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JIA NACCO Clay Wagon

We have produced the PBA / JIA TIGER China Clay wagon firstly in 00 Gauge with the tooling and design work entirely owned by Kernow Model Rail Centre, with subsequent bartches licensed to Bachmann via the EFE Rail brand.

To see the 00 Gauge EFE Rail models available click here>>> 


We produced versions in N Gauge also licensed to Bachmann via the EFE Rail brand.

To see the N Gauge EFE Rail models available click here>>> 


Copyright Chris Trerise

25 of these bogie covered hopper wagons were built by Arbel Fauvet in France in 2001, intended to replace the PBA Clay Tigers.  Numbered in the RIV international series, 33 70 0894 000-5 to 33 70 0894 025-2 these wagons have only carried one livery, which soon disappeared under layers of grime!  They are currently used between Cornwall and Bescot on a weekly service.

Copyright Chris Trerise

The specification for these wagons includes: -

  • All etched handrails, steps and walkways
  • Full under wagon relief detail
  • NEM couplings
  • Fully detailed body and accurate paint finish

Andy York of RMweb said "I've now had the opportunity to review the finished item and it's an absolute beauty and, in my opinion, in the same league as last year's Model of the Year winning Bachmann Autoballaster"

EFE Rail JIA NACCO Wagons Image
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In August 2020 we announced a further batch of JIA NACCO Clay Hoppers.  These are licensed to Bachmann via the EFE Rail brand and are available direct from us and also from all Bachmann stockists. A further batch were announced by EFE Rail in February 2022.

Click on the images below to be taken to the order page for the latest prices and availability.

N Gauge

We have produced weathered and pristine models licensed to Bachmann via the EFE Rail brand.

Click the items below to order. EFE Rail JIA Nacco Wagon 33-70-0894-007-0 Imerys Blue
E87501 EFE Rail JIA Nacco Wagon 33-70-0894-008-8 Imerys BlueE87501 EFE Rail JIA Nacco Wagon 33-70-0894-008-8 Imerys Blue
E87502 EFE Rail JIA Nacco Wagon 33-70-0894-020-3 Imerys BlueE87502 EFE Rail JIA Nacco Wagon 33-70-0894-020-3 Imerys Blue
E87503 EFE Rail JIA Nacco Wagon 33-70-0894-000-5 Imerys BlueE87503 EFE Rail JIA Nacco Wagon 33-70-0894-000-5 Imerys Blue
E87504 EFE Rail JIA Nacco Wagon 33-70-0894-001-3 Imerys BlueE87504 EFE Rail JIA Nacco Wagon 33-70-0894-001-3 Imerys Blue
E87505 EFE Rail JIA Nacco Wagon 33-70-0894-002-3 Imerys BlueE87505 EFE Rail JIA Nacco Wagon 33-70-0894-002-3 Imerys Blue
E87506 EFE Rail JIA Nacco Wagon 33-70-0894-009-6 Imerys BlueE87506 EFE Rail JIA Nacco Wagon 33-70-0894-009-6 Imerys Blue
E87507 EFE Rail JIA Nacco Wagon 33-70-0894-010-4 Imerys BlueE87507 EFE Rail JIA Nacco Wagon 33-70-0894-010-4 Imerys Blue
E87508 EFE Rail JIA Nacco Wagon 33-70-0894-011-2 Imerys BlueE87508 EFE Rail JIA Nacco Wagon 33-70-0894-011-2 Imerys Blue
E87509 EFE Rail JIA Nacco Wagon 33-70-0894-012-0 Imerys BlueE87509 EFE Rail JIA Nacco Wagon 33-70-0894-012-0 Imerys Blue
E87510 EFE Rail JIA Nacco Wagon 33-70-0894-003-9 Imerys BlueE87510 EFE Rail JIA Nacco Wagon 33-70-0894-003-9 Imerys Blue
E87511 EFE Rail JIA Nacco Wagon 33-70-0894-004-7 Imerys BlueE87511 EFE Rail JIA Nacco Wagon 33-70-0894-004-7 Imerys Blue
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00 Gauge

We have produced weathered and pristine models as exclusive models as shown below.  New versions are now also licensed to Bachmann via the EFE Rail brand.

Click the items below to order. 

E87000 EFE Rail JIA NACCO Wagon Image E87000 EFE Rail JIA NACCO China Clay Wagon IMERYS Pristine. SOLD OUT
E87001 EFE Rail JIA NACCO Wagon Image E87001 EFE Rail JIA NACCO China Clay Wagon IMERYS Pristine. SOLD OUT
E87002 EFE Rail JIA NACCO Wagon Image E87002 EFE Rail JIA NACCO China Clay Wagon IMERYS light weathering.
E87003 EFE Rail JIA NACCO Wagon Image E87003 EFE Rail JIA NACCO China Clay Wagon IMERYS light weathering. SOLD OUT
E87004 EFE Rail JIA NACCO Wagon Image E87004 EFE Rail JIA NACCO China Clay Wagon IMERYS heavy weathering.
E87005 EFE Rail JIA NACCO Wagon Image E87005 EFE Rail JIA NACCO China Clay Wagon IMERYS heavy weathering.

E87023 E87023 EFE Rail JIA Nacco Wagon Imerys Blue

E87024 E87024 EFE Rail JIA Nacco Wagon Imerys Blue

E87025 E87025 EFE Rail JIA Nacco Wagon Imerys Blue [W - light]

E87026 E87026 EFE Rail JIA Nacco Wagon Imerys Blue [W - light]

E87027 E87027 EFE Rail JIA Nacco Wagon Imerys Blue [W - heavy] SOLD OUT

E87028 E87028 EFE Rail JIA Nacco Wagon Imerys Blue [W - heavy] SOLD OUT

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Previous models. 

The JIA NACCO wagon was available in Imerys blue livery with eight running numbers.  Four were in pristine finish and four were in weathered finish.  The pristine versions arrived in December 2011.  The weathered versions arrived on 26th February 2012.  All versions sold out by the end of 2017.

The tooling of this model is owned by Kernow Model Rail Centre.

Picture SB001A Dapol JIA NACCO China Clay Wagon Imerys SOLD OUT.
Picture SB001B Dapol JIA NACCO China Clay Wagon Imerys SOLD OUT.
Picture SB001C Dapol JIA NACCO China Clay Wagon Imerys SOLD OUT.
Picture SB001D Dapol JIA NACCO China Clay Wagon Imerys SOLD OUT.
Picture SB001E Dapol JIA NACCO China Clay Wagon IMERYS SOLD OUT.
Picture SB001F Dapol JIA NACCO China Clay Wagon IMERYS SOLD OUT.
Picture SB001G Dapol JIA NACCO China Clay Wagon IMERYS SOLD OUT.
Picture SB001H Dapol JIA NACCO China Clay Wagon IMERYS SOLD OUT.

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