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SB009J SR Diagram 1364 5 plank open wagon SR Post 1936 brown IoW SB009J SR Diagram 1364 5 plank open wagon SR Post 1936 brown IoW SB009J SR Diagram 1364 5 plank open wagon SR Post 1936 brown IoW SB009J SR Diagram 1364 5 plank open wagon SR Post 1936 brown IoW SB009J SR Diagram 1364 5 plank open wagon SR Post 1936 brown IoW SB009J SR Diagram 1364 5 plank open wagon SR Post 1936 brown IoW
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SB009J SR Diagram 1364 5 plank open wagon SR Post 1936 brown IoW

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SB009J Kernow Models SR Diagram 1364 5 plank open wagon in SR Post 1936 brown livery IoW


The 10-ton five plank open wagon to SR Diagram 1369 on a wooden underframe became the most numerous LBSC wagon comprising of over 3,500 wagons built between 1905 and 1926. The distinctive curved ends allowed the fitting of a tarpaulin sheet rail. The first versions built from 1905 had brake gear on one side only and ‘J’ / ‘hockey stick’ diagonal framing. They were soon fitted with ‘Freighter’ style brakes on each side with a single vee Hanger. From 1912 the diagonal strapping changed to be straight at the bottom end. After approximately 1914 double vee hangers were fitted and these could either be mounted in front and immediately behind the solebar, or the rear pair hung from the middle longitudinal timbers with a short connecting rod between the two.

Those built from 1924-6 had square ends and no sheet rail and were given diagram 1364, many of those built with round ends were also cut down to square ends and most but not all were re-diagrammed in the registers to diagram 1364. General withdrawal on the mainland of the diagram 1369 and diagram 1364 open wagons took place between the years 1944-7, and relatively few survived to receive British Railways livery.

Isle of Wight

450 of these wagons were shipped to the Isle of Wight between 1924 and 1931 with one in 1934 and a final six in 1947. All the Isle of Wight wagons had square ends (diagram 1364); except the first 20 (diagram 1369), these were later altered becoming diagram 1364. Unlike those on the mainland these wagons survived well into British Railways ownership and gained BR unfitted grey livery with lettering on black patches. By 1955 320 remined in service, and this was reduced to 150 by 1962.

Detail variations specific to this model

  • D1364 Square ended 
  • Double solebar mounted brake Vee hangers
  • Plain tapered sprung buffers
  • 8 open spoke wheels
  • Unlettered plain axle box covers
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SB009J SR Diagram 1364 5 plank open wagon SR Post 1936 brown IoW
OO Gauge
£ 32.99
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