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BD-38 Deluxe Materials Liquid Gravity
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BD-38 Deluxe Materials Liquid Gravity

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BD-38 Deluxe Materials Liquid Gravity (250g).



Liquid Gravity is a non-toxic weighting system for models railway rolling stock, radio control models and many other hobbies. This is specially designed to pour into and fill small cavities and set in place with an applied adhesive.

Thus it will:

  • Improve stability of models and miniatures
  • Adjust centre of gravity of miniatures planes and boats

With the phase out of lead based products from all types of modelling, we felt the market was ready for an easy to use non-toxic alternative. Hence Liquid Gravity.


BD-38 Deluxe Materials Liquid Gravity
£ 10.75
Product Code:
In Stock - usually despatched within 24 hours
Stock Level:
None Deliverable