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Rapido Trains UK announce Andrew Barclay 0-4-0 Fireless Locomotives and Caledonian Railway Dia.67 Vans in 00 gauge

Contributed by: Graham Muspratt

16 Feb 2024 00:00am

Rapido Trains UK have announced Andrew Barclay 0-4-0 Fireless Locomotives and Caledonian Railway Dia.67 Vans in 00 gauge.

The largest number of British-built Fireless locomotives was constructed by
Andrew Barclay & Co. Ltd.: an impressive 114 were built between 1913 and
1961 of varying designs. These industrial oddities survived far longer than most British Railways and industrial coal-fired steam locos with many examples working into the 1980s and even into the 1990s.
These models will come with user fitted parts such as oil and electric lamps, cab side windows, low doors, shutters and full cab doors.
DCC Ready and DCC Sound-Fitted options are available. Sound models will be equipped with an ESU LokSound 5 NANO decoder whilst DCC Ready models will have factory-fitted speakers as standard.
Ten different Andrew Barclay Fireless loco versions, as shown above, are available for pre-order now here >>>

In 1903, the first Caledonian Railway Diagram 67 van rolled off the production line. This initial batch was the first of many and by the time a further
batch had been ordered in 1907 the initial design had been revised to replace the roof door with end ventilators.
Shortly after the outbreak of WW1, the Traffic Committee authorised the conversion of several Dia.67 vans to carry cordite paste, a key component in the creation of artillery shells. They must have proven successful as two more batches of 150 vans were ordered in 1917. By 1918, over 1300 examples of the vans had been constructed.
Nine different versions, as shown above, are available for pre-order now here >>>

Subject to alteration.

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